August/September 2023

Dear Friends, This school year, we have over 200 students in our bilingual school. Thankfully, we have several new teachers to help share the load. It is a blessing to have more help! I am once again in charge of the combined eighth and ninth grade class. I do teach...

June/July 2023

Dear Friends, Did you know that I have a nickname amongst some of our Honduran bus route workers? Yep. I do. I am “The Dog Whisperer.” Here’s a fun fact for you about Honduras. There are very few fences. In fact, most dogs just wander the streets. I’ve also discovered...

April/May 2023

Dear Friends, As always, the past two months have been busy ones. I mentioned in my last letter that a fire had swept through the entire right side of my neighborhood and burned everything up to the gate of my house. Well, a few weeks later, another fire swept through...

February/March 2023

Dear Friends, A few weeks ago, as I was driving home from church, I noticed a large plume of smoke off in the distance. During this time of year, it is common for farmers to burn their fields to clear it for planting. Unfortunately, this is also our dry season, and...

November/December/January 2022-2023

Dear Friends, In Philippians 1:3, the Apostle Paul says, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you…” I want to express my gratitude for everything you do for me. I am overwhelmed by your generosity. You sacrifice so much so that I can be here in Honduras, serving...

August/September/October 2022

Dear Friends, A new school year is underway! To be honest, I was a little nervous about what to expect coming back in August. We weren’t sure how many teachers we would have, so I was prepared to teach a combined seventh through ninth grade class. However, I was...