Dear Friends,

In Philippians, Paul writes, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now;” (Phil 1:3-5). I also thank God for every single person that makes my ministry possible. I have spent this summer traveling to many different churches, and at every church I have met so many friendly and welcoming people. Some have been supporting me since my first year in Honduras, some are only just beginning to support me. But I thank God for each one of you, and for the fellowship that we have as believers in Christ. May God bless you for your generosity!

girls seated at piano after recitalOur 2020-2021 school year finished out with a graduation for our kindergarten class and our ninth-grade class. Since our school does not offer classes past ninth grade due to certain government requirements, we try to make it pretty special for our students by having a graduation ceremony. We also had four students graduate from our seminary. Graduation is always bittersweet; I’m sad to see them go, but I’m excited for them to start the next step in their lives. Our seminary students also had a music recital to finish the year. I love seeing the progress my piano students have made from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. I’m glad that I can be a part of their lives, even if it is for only a brief time.

Though I have enjoyed my brief time at home, I am excited about going back to Honduras on July 14. I’m going to be helping missionaries Gene and Robin Trask in northern Honduras as they have a medical brigade scheduled to visit. They needed translators, so a few friends and I volunteered. They are in a very remote area, so I know that it will be different. But I look forward to the opportunity to help. I’m also looking forward to going back to my bus route soon. My bus route partner has continued the route while I’ve been in the US for the last few weeks. She sends me pictures of the route on Sundays, and it is encouraging to see that the kids are still faithful.

One evening during our midweek service, I was sitting near the front left of the church with a few of my bus kids. We were standing and singing the hymns when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked down just as something darted past my feet and into the congregation. It took my brain a second to register that it was a cat, and it wasn’t supposed to be there. My bus kids immediately took off after the cat, trying to catch it to put it back outside. I went after my bus kids. It didn’t take us long to corral the cat. It took longer to corral the kids. It turns out that the cat’s owner was attending church that night, and the cat decided to look for him.

four ladies with matching blusPlease pray the school will be able to either open fully or at least have partial classes next year instead of online classes! We won’t really know what we’re allowed to do until we get closer to September; then we will have to see what the government says month by month.

Thank you so much for your prayers!

Ericka Wright

bus route kids