Dear Friends,
October has been a busy month. Of course, I say that every month. Good thing I like to stay busy! During this month, our school raised money to help one of the teenagers of the church that has cerebral palsy. Since my class raised the most money, we had the opportunity to go visit Angeles and her family. We took several boxes filled with vitamins, soft foods, a mattress, and several other much needed items. We also spent some time cleaning up around their house. Not only was the family very appreciative, but my students had the chance to experience what it’s like to give to someone less fortunate then they are. They really enjoyed getting to know the family and helping them. They also enjoyed the chance to get out of school for a few hours.
A few days ago, my class and I were sitting in chapel listening to the preaching. After class, one of my students hung back and asked to talk to the teacher. I continued to class not really thinking anything about it. But a few minutes later, the student and the teacher showed up to tell me that my eighth grader had accepted Jesus as his Savior! I was so excited. It’s exciting to see God working in the lives of my students!
A few weeks ago, I slipped into one of the back rows of the church after playing the piano for children’s church. I was listening intently to the preaching when I became aware of something moving out of the corner of my eye. I absentmindedly glanced down, not really focusing on the wriggling creature. But suddenly, I took in a startled breath, nearly jumping out of my seat when I realized that it was a snake slithering out from under the seat next to me. I was very thankful that I was sitting at the back and distracted very few people with my attempts at killing it. I was also very thankful that it was a small snake and not poisonous, unlike the rattlesnakes that we have been finding elsewhere around the property. Nevertheless, I was convicted of my backsliding ways and have tried to make sure I sit towards the front, even on days when I play the piano for children’s church.
Pray for us as we are gearing up for our Christmas play! The students are practicing diligently. Many parents will be in attendance that never come to our church services. Pray that they will understand the gospel message of the drama and will be saved!
Ericka Wright