Dear friends,
The school year is over! It was certainly a busy time. We had our piano recital, kindergarten graduation, high school graduation, seminary graduation, Spanish institute graduation, our kids fair, and VBS. Graduation went smoothly for my students. It’s always a bittersweet time. I’m excited for them as they begin their next step. But I miss them when they are gone! For our kids fair, we had almost 200 children! The first day of VBS, we had around 75 kids. That day, I was able to lead two precious children to the Lord. The second day, we had over 150 kids, several of whom made professions of faith. Praise the Lord!
Saved at VBS
In my last letter, I mentioned a lady named Ana that had been having seizures. Right before I went home for the summer, she accepted the Lord as her Savior! Praise the Lord! She has also continued to come regularly, even throughout the summer when I wasn’t there to give her a ride. Thankfully, I had a friend who was able to walk with her to church to make sure that she and the other children arrived safely.
Family time!
I was able to visit the USA and my family for three weeks. It was a busy time of traveling and visiting as many churches as I could in those three weeks, but I enjoyed it. I had the opportunity to visit with several new churches, as well as speak at several mission themed VBS. Unfortunately, time flew by too quickly. Before I knew it, I was back on a plane headed for Honduras. Though school will not start until August, I have already begun preparations for the coming year. I have also already had a few adventures. I think my proudest moment so far was when I fixed our broken sink and replaced my shower head. The shower head is not a normal showerhead. It has a heater inside it, which means I have to connect electrical wires. I also have to make sure that I do it just right, or I would end up electrocuting myself the next time I tried to take a shower. These are the times when I’m thankful that I followed my dad around so often while he worked construction. I’m not quite so clueless when it comes to connecting electrical wires. Thankfully, I was able to fix it without too much difficulty, and now I have a hot shower again!
Please pray for the upcoming school year. The other teachers will be arriving at the beginning of August. Pray that we are able to work together as a team, and that we will be able to do our best to be the lights that these children need!
Thank you for everything,
Ericka Wright