Dear friends,
Sometimes I forget that I’m living in a third world country. I have a beautiful house, a washing machine, a stove, and many other modern conveniences. But then, I chat with a mother on my bus route while she labors over washing her family’s clothes by hand; or I visit a family of five that is living in the box of a 12’ moving van. They don’t even have windows. I talk to my students about my life before Honduras, and they don’t know what a thermostat is. Air condition means a fan, and heater means a blanket. Then, I remember that I am truly blessed. I am so thankful for everything that God has given me, both here in Honduras as well as in the States. Also, I want to thank YOU for being the hands that God has used to help make my life here possible.
A few Sundays ago, I was dropping off the people on my bus route, when I heard strange sounds coming from the seat behind me. I looked in the mirror and saw Ana, a woman who has been coming with me for a while, having a seizure. I immediately pulled over, but I had no idea what to do. I’ve never dealt with a situation like that before! Plus, there were children in the car that didn’t know what was happening and were terrified! I started praying as I called a friend to tell me what to do. Thankfully, we were almost to Ana’s house; so, after the phone call, I headed straight there. By the time we arrived, her convulsions had stopped, and she was lying listlessly on the seat. I sent one of the children for Ana’s mother as I helped Ana sit up. When the mother arrived, she immediately took control of the situation. She said that Ana has been having seizures since she was six years old. (She’s now in her thirties.) She also gave me some advice in case it happened again. I’m glad she did, because two weeks later, it happened again. I was much calmer the second time it happened, but it still gave me a fright! Please pray for Ana’s health. Also, pray that I will have wisdom in situations such as these.
School is going well. We are beginning our preparations for graduation in five weeks. My students are getting anxious about their final exit exams. But they are also struggling with that summer fever. Please pray that they will make good decisions about their futures. Pray that we can use these last five weeks to continue to impact their lives.
Please also continue praying for our church. One of our bus drivers that graduated from our seminary was ordained a few weeks ago. He and his wife are now in the States raising support. We are excited to see how some of our students are continuing to serve the Lord! Our seminary also started a quartet that will be traveling to churches throughout Honduras this summer, giving information about our seminary. Again, we are excited about the opportunity. However, we are going to be shorthanded this summer because so many people are traveling. With this in mind, I have decided that I will only be in the States for three weeks this summer. I regret that I won’t be able to visit all my supporting churches, but I am looking forward to the many summer opportunities!
As always, thank you for your prayers!
Ericka Wright